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College Crib

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In the spotlight

Rooms to rent in an apartment

Walking distance to UCD, or bus to TCD, RCSI, TUD

  • 7 bedrooms from €243
  • Montrose, Stillorgan Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, D04 AE48
Rooms to rent in an apartment

Walking distance to NCI, TCD, RCSI and DCU

  • 5 bedrooms from €284
  • Beckett House, 123 Summerhill, Dublin City Centre, Dublin 1, D01 TY46
Rooms to rent in an apartment

Walking distance to TU Dublin & UCD Hospitals

  • 6 bedrooms from €233
  • Dorset Point, 107 Dorset Street Upper, Dublin City Centre, Dublin 1, D01 F6F8
Rooms to rent in an apartment

New - Walking distance to RCSI, BIMM, GCD

  • 3 bedrooms from €287
  • The Loom, Cork Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8, D08 P772
Rooms to rent in an apartment

Walking distance to NCAD, BIMM, RCSI, DBS

  • 4 bedrooms from €276
  • Binary Hub, Bonham Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8, D08 R596

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2 Search for your place

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3 Contact the landlord

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4 Move into your new crib!

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I recommend CollegeCribs to any student seeking accommodation: I had all the information I needed to make an informed choice.

John, UCD Student

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